300+ Would You Rather Cards for Kids

Want a better way to bond with your kids?
Are you tired of hearing them complain that they’re bored?
Or how about that awkward silence at the dinner table?
These printable Would You Rather Questions Cards for Kids are a great way to not only promote their critical thinking, but they make great conversation starters when on the road, when in lines or when you simply need an activity for them to do.
Plus, they’ll spice up your family game nights too!
With over 300 questions for various categories including Funny, Gross, Activities, Daily Life, Just for Fun and holiday ones, you’ll never get bored spending time together with your kids (and they won’t get bored being with you either LOL).
Plus, you’ll also receive blank cards so you can come up with your own and a bonus prompt sheet too!
Price: $27
These Would You Rather Cards will come in a downloadable PDF which is viewable on any device. However, I recommend you print them out for the best experience.
While there are many on the internet for free, they do not come with as many questions or come in checklist style versus printable cards. These cards were meant specifically to spark further conversation with your kids so avoid many of the simple “cat or dog” type questions.
It depends on how you choose to use them. However, I don’t recommend trying to get through them all in one setting. These cards were created with the intention for you to use them through various occasions. Visit this blog post here for different ways and occasions on when to use these cards.
These questions can be enjoyed as a family, but the ideal ages are for preschoolers through early middle schoolers (ages 4-11)
Unfortunately, due to the digital download nature, I cannot offer a refund. However, if you have any questions before purchasing, I’d be happy to discuss them with you. Simply email me at [email protected].